Procurement and Contract Services
Page Content
Procurement and Contract Services (PUR) - To view the individual Purchasing policies listed below, please visit 麻豆传媒 Institutional Policies. Once in PolicyStat, search for Procurement and Contract Services.
- Accounts Payable Policies and Procedures (ADMA-PUR-001)
- Barnes & Noble Department Purchase Policy (ADMA-PUR-006)
- Conference Cards, Student I.D. Cards Policy (ADMA-PUR-007)
- Fleet Management Policies and Procedures (ADMA-PUR-018)
- Gift Card and Gift Certificate Purchase Policy (ADMA-PUR-013)
- Hospitality Policy - Allowable Entertainment and Miscellaneous Expenditures (ADMA-PUR-002)
- Hospitality Policy - Prohibited Entertainment and Miscellaneous Expenditures (ADMA-PUR-003)
- Miscellaneous Purchasing Procedures (ADMA-PUR-015)
- New Employee Moving Policy (ADMA-PUR-004)
- Payments to Individuals - Documentation and Processing (ADMA-PUR-014)
- Petty Cash Policy and Procedures (ADMA-PUR-016)
- Property Accounting - Policies and Procedures (ADMA-PUR-017)
- Purchasing Policy (ADMA-PUR-012)
- Travel Policies (ADMA-PUR-005)
- University Catering Policy (ADMA-PUR-008)
- University Snack Policy (ADMA-PUR-009)
- Vendor Maintenance Procedure (ADMA-PUR-010)
For all purchases, the University follows the procurement requirements of the State of Mississippi with regard to acquisition thresholds. For purchases whose funding comes from federal sources, 麻豆传媒 follows the State of Mississippi procurement rules with regard to acquisition thresholds. Even though the OMB issued memorandum M-18-18 titled , which implemented new federal thresholds for micro-purchase and simplified acquisition purchases, 麻豆传媒 must apply the most restrictive rules to all categories of federal financial assistance that are subject to the Uniform Guidance requirements. The State of Mississippi鈥檚 thresholds are more restrictive than those of the Uniform Guidance and the applicable National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). In general, 麻豆传媒鈥檚 鈥渕icro-purchase鈥 threshold will be $5,000 and below, i.e., multiple quotes are not required, and the 鈥渟implified acquisitions鈥 threshold will be between $5,000.01 and $75,000, i.e., where informal quotes are solicited. And generally, purchases above $75,000 will involve solicitations that are advertised and received as sealed bids, or are sole-sourced if only one source of supply exists.
Thresholds for Federally Funded Procurements
The Purchasing Department of the University of 麻豆传媒 is the purchasing agency of the university. Greater efficiency, both in terms of economy to the university and service to the departments, is achieved through specialization of purchasing. The purpose of the Purchasing Department, therefore, is to procure quality supplies and equipment as economically and conveniently as possible.
In the interest of serving the university, its alumni, and the community, the Purchasing Department, in conducting its business and discharging its responsibilities, is guided by three primary objectives:
- Purchases are to be made in consideration of the objectives and policies of the university, as well as of the particular requirements and objectives of the departments.
- Maximum, ultimate value for each dollar of expenditure must be obtained.
- Qualified, competitive bidders must be given equal consideration and opportunity to quote on the university's requirements.
NOTICE to All Vendors and Contractors:
In compliance with the Mississippi Transparency and Accountability Act, all payments
made by 麻豆传媒 will be posted on a public website beginning July 1, 2012. The information
posted will include the date of payment, vendor name, vendor's city and state, and
the payment amount. The amount of any payment made by the University is public information.
All University employees should be aware that no contract with vendors or contractors
can include language that makes the amount of payment confidential. If the party with
whom we are contracting insists on such a provision, you should contact the Procurement
Office for assistance.
The Federal Government prohibits expending federal funds on goods and/or services from any entity Suspended or Debarred from doing business with the federal government. Procurement of goods and/or services with federal funds from a supplier or contractor should be checked for Debarment before purchasing and/or awarding a contract or subaward. Debarment should be checked prior to purchasing or contracting with any entity or agency to ensure the entity or agency has not been Debarred or Suspended by the federal government at the System for Award Management ( 鈥 previously EPLS) website ( Suppliers will be verified using the website before adding to SOARFIN and subsequently verified on orders where federal funds are being utilized. If at any time the website indicates the supplier has active exclusions, no invoices will be paid until the entity or agency is removed from the exclusion listing.
The State of Mississippi and the University of 麻豆传媒 require the purchase of computers and other equipment to follow a specific set of policies and guidelines for technology/computers, and equipment. For this reason, faculty/staff that purchase computers or equipment with personal funds without Procurement鈥檚 prior permission cannot be reimbursed. If a requisition or remittance voucher is submitted to reimburse a 麻豆传媒 faculty or staff member who purchased a computer or equipment with personal funds, the requisition or remittance voucher will be canceled. In addition, intended University purchases shall not be shipped to any personal home or other off-campus site, and are prohibited without prior written approval from Procurement & Contract Services. Such purchases made with personal funds will also not be reimbursed or allowed.
Technology Security Update - Miss. Code Section 25-53-191 prohibits the download, access, or use of prohibited technologies on state-operated networks. The current list of prohibited technologies can be found on the ITS website using the following link:
- Fleet Manual - 2019
- Vehicle Administration Quick Reference
- Vehicle Use Agreement
- Vehicle Travel Log - PDF or XLSX
- Requisition Attachment Form (pdf)
- Requisition Attachment Form (xls)
- Vendor Registration Form (PDF) updated 11-17-2015
- Request for Vehicle Purchase (xls) updated 5-21-2015
- Off-Site Delivery Justification Form (PDF) updated 9/9/2024
Single Source and Emergency Procurements
Effective July 1, 2015, the laws pertaining to single source purchases and emergency purchases by state agencies and institutions have been changed. The following is a brief overview, but we urge you to consult with Procurement Services if you have any questions related to a purchase that may fall under either of these categories.
Please note that each type of request (Sole Source, Research, etc.) will require Purchasing to request the authority to purchase (known as a P-1) from the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration鈥檚 (DFA) Office of Purchasing and Travel (OPT).
Sole Source Request:
Prior to claiming an item is a single (sole) source procurement, we are now required to post a notice of a proposed sole source procurement on a state website for 14 days. In addition we are required to advertise such notice in a newspaper, once each week for two consecutive weeks. The notice must contain certain information as prescribed by law and state requirements (Requirements). The notice also must provide a procedure to follow for anyone that objects to the purchase.
We have developed a template found below for the "Notice of a Proposed Sole Source Procurement." The department should complete the form and submit it to Procurement via email. The email should also indicate the name and contact information for the person within the department with expertise to answer questions related to the request.
Once an item has been certified as sole source, the Director of Procurement or his/her designee shall conduct negotiations, as appropriate, as to price, delivery, and terms.
If, after the required procedure is followed, the item is certified to be a sole source
item, we must then submit a request to the DFA Office of Purchasing and Travel (OPT),
requesting approval of the purchase. That request must include a letter request outlining
the results of the procedures that have been detailed above. Upon electronic approval
from OPT we may issue a purchase order. It should be noted that this process will
probably take about one month or longer to complete.
Notice of Proposed Sole Source Procurement
IT Sole Source Request:
Technology-related acquisitions require following similar procedures when the total IT related purchase exceeds $5000.00 regardless of what is being purchased. This includes, but is not limited to, equipment, services, licenses, and maintenance. Some guidance on these procedures can be found here, but more details can be obtained by contacting iTech at computer.ordersFREEMississippi.
Emergency Purchase Request:
If an emergency does not threaten the health or safety of any person, or the preservation or protection of property, we are required to seek and obtain approval from OPT prior to making the purchase. If an emergency does threaten the health or safety of any person, or the preservation or protection of property, after proper declaration by the President of the University, we may make the purchases required to meet the specific needs created by the emergency situation. In either case the letter declaring the emergency must include information using the following Sample Letter. Further information on emergency purchases can be found here.
- For Requisition Training email Deidre%20Edwards
- Requisition Training Manual - 2025 update