Faculty Directory
Professor Jennifer Torres
Areas of Expertise
Visual arts, sculpture, metals, wood shop, casting, furniture design.
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Performing and Visual Arts
Discipline: Art and Design
3-D Arts Building (3-D) 114A
Dr. Joanne Tran
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Services • Consumer Behavior • Qualitative Methods • Survey Research
College: Business and Economic Development
School: School of Marketing
Discipline: Marketing
Scianna Hall 3003
Eric Tribunella
Areas of Expertise
children's and young adult literature, lesbian and gay literature, queer and gender theory
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Humanities
Discipline: English
Liberal Arts Building (LAB) 210C
Dr. Lennie Troughton
Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise
Cognitive-behavioral and other interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders, classroom behavior management
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Education
Discipline: Special Education
Owings-McQuagge Hall (OMH) 129C
Dr. Clay Tucker
Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise
Tree-Ring Science, Hurricane Climatology, Wetland Ecology, Coastal Studies
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences
Discipline: Geography and Geology
Walker Science Building (WSB) 232
Dr. Rebecca Tuuri
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Women's and Gender, Civil Rights, Modern U.S., and African American history
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Humanities
Discipline: History
Honor House (HH) 409
Dr. Felix Twum
Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise
Epidemiology, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases
College: Nursing and Health Professions
School: School of Health Professions
Discipline: Public Health
Elizabeth Hall (EH) 221
Dr. Seyda Uysal
Visiting Assistant Professor
College: Arts and Sciences
School: Center for STEM Education
Discipline: STEM Education
Dr. Alexandra Valint
Areas of Expertise
Victorian literature, children's and young adult literature, narrative theory, gothic theory, disability studies
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Humanities
Discipline: English
Liberal Arts Building (LAB) 341
Dr. Jessica Valles
Assistant Teaching Professor
Areas of Expertise
Aging, mental health, medical sociology, gender and sexuality, family
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Social Science and Global Studies
Discipline: Sociology
Liberal Arts Building (LAB) 439
Joris van der Ham
Assistant Teaching Professor
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences
Discipline: Ecology and Organismal Biology
Elizabeth Hall (EH) 204
Dr. Candice Vance
Assistant Teaching Professor
Areas of Expertise
Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Special Education, Administration and Supervision
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Education
Discipline: Curriculum and Instruction
Owings-McQuagge Hall (OMH) 108 F
Mrs. Kelly Vera
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences
Discipline: Cell and Molecular Biology
Walker Science Building (WSB) 141
Dr. Michael Vera
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Ocean acoustics, chaotic systems, computational simulation
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Discipline: Physics and Astronomy
Chain Technology Center (TEC) 229B
Carlton Wade
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Media and Communication
Discipline: Journalism, Public Relations, and Advertising
Dr. Jennifer Walker
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Malacology, Molecular systematics
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences
Discipline: Ecology and Organismal Biology
Gulf Coast Science Building (SB) 3D 209C
Kim Walker
Clinical Instructor
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Education
Discipline: Curriculum and Instruction
Rachel Walker
Visiting Instructor
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Ocean Science and Engineering
Discipline: Coastal Sciences
Mrs. Teresa Walker-Cartwright
Senior Lecturer
Areas of Expertise
Nutrition and Dietetics
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Kinesiology and Nutrition
Discipline: Nutrition and Food Systems
Joseph Greene Hall (JGH) 328
Davin Wallace
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Coastal Geology; Marine Geology; Paleotempestology; Geomorphology; Sediment Transport; Geological Oceanography
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Ocean Science and Engineering
Discipline: Marine Science
Dr. Karl Wallace
Areas of Expertise
Inorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry; Host-Guest Recognition and Sensor design; Self-Assembly; Nanochemistry; Optical spectroscopy
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Discipline: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Chain Technology Center (TEC) 402A
Dr. Maria Wallace
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
studies of STEM education, feminist science studies, sociocultural studies of science education, teacher education & induction; community-engaged research; community-engaged science education
College: Arts and Sciences
School: Center for STEM Education
Discipline: STEM Education
Owings-McQuagge Hall (OMH) 122D
Cindy Walls
Assistant Professor
Areas of Expertise
Contract law, Mediation, Workforce Development, Construction Management, Drone and Robotics technology,
College: Arts and Sciences
School: School of Construction and Design
Discipline: Construction Management
Chain Technology Center (TEC) 249
Gary Walls
College: Arts and Sciences
School: Center for Science & Math Education
Discipline: Mathematics