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Psychology of.HappinessPSY 380 - Psychology of Happiness

Prerequisite(s): PSY 110. This course will cover multidisciplinary theories and research findings on the nature of happiness and well-being including character strengths, positive emotions, motivation, relationships, positive mental health, and physical health. This course is both didactic and experiential including scientifically-supported methods for cultivating factors related to happiness.

PSY 231 - Psychology of Personal AdjustmentPSY 231 - Psychology of Personal Adjustment

Understanding of the problems people face in our society and the diverse ways in which they respond to these problems.


Managing StressDPH 436: Stress Management

To acquaint students with holistic approach to stress management with specific techniques to manage stress.


Academic SupportUNV 101 & 102 - Academic Support

101: Consists of classroom, individual and computer-assisted instruction along with career counseling.

102: Designed to help students apply decision-making and critical thinking skills to plan for success and career development based on academic and occupational goals.

Strategic LearningUNV 250 - Strategic Learning

Application of strategic management principles to college learning with emphasis on evaluating academic performance and initiating corrective adjustments.


Health Professions

HP 100: Introduction to Health Professions

This course provides an overview of the different types of careers one can pursue within the health care field. This course is designed to acquaint pre-health professions students with a variety of health care disciplines and the academic requirements for admission to the corresponding health professions schools. An emphasis will be placed on career planning and the preparation and recruitment of students for professional programs. Guest speakers will supplement the course material when available.


AerobicsKIN 100 - Aerobics

Theoretical bases and laboratory experiences in rhythmical activities for cardiovascular development.


 Help (opens a new window) [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Bulletin Search Search Options   Choose search locations to narrow or expand your search.   Enter a keyword or phrase kin   Find whole word or phrase only.   Search Locations  Courses [Show prefix list.]  Programs  Policy/Procedures  Other Content  Sorting: Alphabetical | RankedSearch Results Courses - Prefix/Code Matches   Results for course prefix "KIN" KIN 100 - Aerobics Share this Page Print (opens a new window) KIN 100 - Aerobics 1 hr. Theoretical bases and laboratory experiences in rhythmical activities for cardiovascular development.  KIN 101 - Weight Training Share this Page Print (opens a new window) KIN 101 - Weight TrainingKIN 101 - Weight Training

Theoretical bases and laboratory experiences in development of muscular strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.


KIN 135 - Beginning YogaKIN 135 - Beginning Yoga

Theoretical concepts and laboratory experience in development of strength and flexibility through yoga exercise.

Creative Expression

Creative WritingENG 221 & 222 - Creative Writing

221: Fiction Writing I - Introduction to fiction writing.

222: Poetry Writing 1 - Introduction to poetry writing.


CeramicsART 251 - Workshop in Ceramics

Traditional techniques in the forming, firing and glazing of clay. May not be used toward the major or minor in art or art education. May be repeated. 


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