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Volunteer Note-Taking

Why Should I Volunteer Note-Take? 

Community Service

Volunteer Note-Taking allows you to serve the Southern Miss Community and promote an accessible campus for all students. 

Establish Partnerships

Volunteer Note-Taking is an opportunity for you to collaborate with SAS and establish long-lasting, professional partnerships with your professors!

Volunteer Credit

SAS awards volunteer hours for each class you volunteer for! This can easily equal 40-60 hours each semester!! 

How Do I Become a Volunteer Note-Taker?

Most professors will ask for volunteers for students that have a note-taker accommodation. You may see these notifications via your student email (@usm.edu), Canvas, or it may be mentioned by your professor in class. If you wish to volunteer and your professor has not asked, just reach out to your professor during their office hours or via email to inquire if they need a volunteer note-taker for their class. 

If you have been asked to become volunteer note-taker, please complete our online . 

How Do I Submit Notes?

Unless instructed otherwise by your professor or SAS staff please upload your notes by signing into myAccess, which you will be able to access to after you complete the online Application for Volunteer Note-takers. Once a class is assigned to you by our staff, you may upload your notes to this site throughout the semester. The student who needs the notes will receive an email notification each time you upload notes to the site.

Please note there is a maximum file upload size. If you have issues uploading the files, most likely the file size is too large. It is recommended you upload .pdf documents. If your notes are hand-written, you can take a photo of them with a smart phone and use a "camscanner" phone app to automatically save the files as .pdf's. 
If you experience technical difficulty uploading your notes, please contact SAS at sas@usm.edu or 601.266.5024.

How Do I Recieve Community Service Hours? 

At the end of the semester, please complete our . You will receive an official letter from our office that outlines the number of hours you completed as a volunteer note-taker. Students recieve one volunteer hour per class note upload (Edited February 2025).