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Nikki Camlin

Nikki Camlin

Assistant Professor


My research investigates how phosphatases regulate cell signaling pathways, with a specific interest in M-Phase of meiosis and mitosis. Protein phosphorylation impacts all cellular processes and pathways. M-Phase entry and exit are characterized via massive changes in protein phosphorylation, with precise regulation essential for accurate meiosis and mitosis. Importantly, errors in M-Phase can lead to trisomy, infertility, and miscarriage (meiosis) and cancer (mitosis). My research focuses on how phosphatases regulate M-Phase, and therefore, begin to understand the foundational biology of important cellular processes for health and disease.

Lab website: https://www.camlinlab.com/

  • PHD - The University of New Castle (2017)
  • BS - The University of New Castle (2012)
  • Oscillations in PP1 activity are essential for accurate progression through mammalian oocyte meiosis., Cell cycle, 2023,
  • Auxin-inducible protein degradation as a novel approach for protein depletion and reverse genetic discoveries in mammalian oocytes., Biology of reproduction, 2019,

Contact Me

Johnson Science Tower (JST) 514



Areas of Expertise

Molecular Biology, Reproduction, Oocyte Meiosis, Phosphatases (PP1)